Now - here is what has happened in the last couple of months.
1. I just recieved the jolly good news that my ipad-mini grant which I have had for the past 2 years, the foundation is giving us our ipads for good. FOREVER! FOREVER! I am the happy owner of 17 ipads for the kids until I die. My eyes are brimming with tears! Which brings me to #2.
2. Should I become a flipped classroom???? I think I am going to try...comments? |
3. Lego Intentional Play - I recieved a grant from Grants for Great Ideas through my county to purchase sets of Legos for all of my kiddos. I LOVE IT. I am using the Legos with vocabulary, math and critical thinking. Might I also say the kiddos love it too, even my girls. Some of my favorite activities is watching the students build abstract and literal vocabulary words with their Legos. Each time we build, I walk around and video with my ipad. Then make a quick movie and publish it on imovie - bam! The next day we all wach it and enjoy each other's creations. Big Shoutout to Lego! They were awesome helping me get what I needed for this grant.
4. Favorite App - Notability. Hands down. Their is a feature to upload and download content from Edmodo. So I have saved PDF Reading passages in my Edmodo library, then opened them in Notability where the kids can annotate. Then saved it and uploaded the annotated copy back into edmodo. Say What? Paperless baby.
5. Text Book Adoption Committee - I was asked to be apart of a huge undertaking with my county. We are adopting new Reading Text Book this year and it will be Common Core. However, the challenge with all the upper grades is that we still have one more year of FCAT (Next Gen. Standards). So much confusion awaits next year as we try to move to CC and are testing on the NGSS. I just want to hop on the CC wagon and throw the NGSS out the window but I am not sure I will be able too. Plus we have the NGSS BluePrints that help teachers stay on track with what they need to teach and so forth (scope and sequence) but many teachers feel strangled by these maps. Sigh. I am not sure how this will play out if our School does not release us into CC soon. I hope for lots of clarity soon. :)
6. My wonderful partner in crime Noris Aguayo won Lake County Teacher of the YEAR! But in my eyes she is teacher of the century. I love her so much and am blessed to know her and see her each day. This was a huge celebration for us at our school.
So that is not even half of what has been rambling off in my head but maybe more will come tomorrow. :)
Flipped classrooms are amazing so I vote a big, huge YES!!! We are going to a flipped model at my school next year for at least part of our upper grades classes...scary, but exciting undertaking! I'd love to be able to chat with you sometime about all of these amazing things you're doing. How I wish we worked TOGETHER!!!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all...I am proud of you...whether you blog or not...because you're that amazing! :) Second of all...super excited about those IPAD's for you! :) Wish I could get off my duff and write a grant again...*sigh*...Flipped classroom? I don't know about're pretty 'flippy' enough as it is, and you are SO GOOD at interpersonal relationships with the kids...will that translate on a screen in the same way? Hmm...not sure...the jury is still out! :) Good luck on the textbook adoption committee! :) I can't wait to hear all about the new series! :) Our reps are already buzzing about the options! :)
ReplyDeleteLove you! :)
Mrs.Russell's Room
First Grade