
Monday, September 24, 2012

LIfe as I know it...


It has been a while since my last post and I am so mad at myself. I have been swamped at work with using a new reading map plus a new social studies curriculum...and of course 36 new kids. Two Fridays ago, we recieved 5 new students in a day! That alone can set you back a week or two. Then it was progress report time! Yikes! Grades were low and it was a wake up call for most of our kiddos. My co-teacher and I reached an all time low these weeks. When in actuality I think reality just set in. Here is our reality:

1. We have the ESE kids which are wonderful and smart but learn differently than the majority of the kids. The have special needs that need to be considered.

2. We (my co-teacher and I) have slacked being on the same "wave" it showed in our kids. Thankfully we are back on the right track!

3. Our lesson plan expectations are going to kill us and we are not sure how to get ahead plus have all our admin is asking (individual teacher plans, but unity in what we are teaching and assessing, scales, essential questions, benchmarks, and evidence of small group remediation) Can I get a bigger piece of paper please?

4. We need to work and share and get along with 6 other people. Now don't get me wrong these people are wonderful! It is just hard when I feel like so much is being asked we don't have time for the creative brainstorming meetings that we all want. All I think about in the meetings is what I need to do before tomorrow. :( Not the best.

5. Our parent conferences are happening. Nuf said.

6. We have a student with behavior issues and need to do a lesson a week working on social skills. Um. Yeah. Haven't started.

7. The county has asked us to do Too Good For Drugs every Thursday for the first 10 weeks. I am on week 2. Sigh. So I think I will do 2-3 lessons each Thursday to catch up. Sigh. Sigh.

So here is the good news!

1. I am a great teacher...I am a great teacher...I am a great teacher.
2. I have the best co-teacher. I never do anything alone.
3. I have a great team. Who is always willing to listen or share.
4. I have kids I love. Even my new kiddos are amazing.
5. We have divided up some the team jobs and each person is responsible for something. Whew!
6. I think my parents like me! :)
7. We are almost done planning next week. That makes us one week ahead when we want to be 2. But I am happy. :)

Now here is the best part! I have been using my Kagan Strategies like crazy and even got some photos of my kids doing Quiz Quiz Trade. Some Whole Brain Teaching made it into my week by doing some gestures for our vocabulary words and we made some models out of clay while learning about the scientific method! 

Model of a Dolphin

Model of a snake

Freeze Dance - Brain Break

Brain Break

Lemonade Experiment 

So life isn't bad. We have a lot of fun. Just need to remember it is not what is important but WHO!

What are you struggling to get a handle on? 


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Process vs. product...great reminder

Came acrossed this great article about process vs. product. So many times we forget which really helps our kids to think creatively and instead copy our model.

How can I let go of what I think their projects should look like and let them experience the process?  Really great read even if you just look at the pictures. Check it out.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Delightful surprise!

I recieved a comment on my blog two days ago from a representative from EDC Education Services Home of Kane and Miller and Usborne Books and More. She was letting me know that if I wanted to use my grant money from the Youth Literacy Dollar General Grant, to buy books from her company then they would support us and give us 50% of credit to whatever we spend! So that means if I spend 1000 dollars on books from this company they will let me order 500 dollars more!

Teachers - if you have recieved a grant for books or to increase you literacy please check out this website!

I spoke with a wonderful rep from there and she has catalogs in the mail for me and my team. I hope to make the purchase order for our new books by next week. I am so excited to increase our school library and increase our students desires to read because we have books they are interested in.

Many of the books are not as well know and there is tons of non-fiction (Common Core Baby!) so we are going to stock up.

This was the highlight of my week. A real person read my blog. Crazy.

Now, who is ready to do some book shopping?
