This summer I went to a Kagan Workshop and loved it. I learned a lot that I can add to my Whole Brain Toolbox. I started Whole brain about 4 years ago and really haven't had any behavior problems since. I do a lot of praying though. :) I really do feel blessed because I have loved all my students and never have had a year I regret. So back to principal asked myself and another teacher to give a little PD on this during preplanning. YIKES! So we busted our butts to make sure we knew a lot about Dr. Kagan Spencer and his structures. We were given an hour to unpack the basics and show off the great structures he has created. We had 4 sessions and they all went great, I thought! I hope the teachers and staff saw the benefit of cooperative learning and the difference from just "group work". One student usually gets stuck with the work while with Kagan it is all about PIES!
P - Positive interdependence
I - Individual accountibility
E - Equal participation
S - Simultaneous interaction
I did those from memory! My partner was absolutely wonderful and she helped me so much as I did the structures with the teachers. She is a Kagan pro now! We even did some Brain Breaks during our session and I snapped a few pictures. Even some grumps were smiling as we did Mirror Mirror!
One person is "it" the other is the mirror |
I think the Backstreet Boys were on as we danced! |
What great sports! |
So overall a great success for us presenting some very new material. I am super excited about doing Kagan with my class this year. I also am dipping into Differentiated Instruction and hopefully will be apart of a Professional Learning Community at my school to help me out.
Some housekeeping news: I found out that I will have the ESE kids this year and am really excited. I love this group because they are so diverse! Perfect for my professional goals this year. Besides that we have a great ESE team at our school. I know that I will have lots of support. :)
My classroom is just waiting on some lamination that Ms. Bunny is going to do hopefully tomorrow!
This lady does it all! |
Some of you may be wondering about my die cutting adventure. I went back to that machine and made peace. I apologized for doing anything to hurt its feelings and asked it to please cut my stuff with a funky font. It accepted and now I am left with these lovely words:
Here is the machine that worked perfectly today! |
For my twitter exit ticket door :) |
So all worked out well! Now just to put it all together.
Another fun surprise was from my hubby for my bird themed classroom! He got these for me at Ikea!
I am not sure you can read it but it says, "Put a Bird On it!" Portlandia reference for all those people! Thanks to each one of my friends who came out and helped. You guys are awesome! |
Tomorrow I am determined to do the rest of my pinterest ideas! :) So many....
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