
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Meet the Teacher! Success!

Our school does Meet the Teacher the Friday before school starts from 9-11. Sometimes we get loads of parents coming to check you out and sometimes you don't.

This year a rumor must have gotten out about my classroom pet because I have 13 out of 16 parents show up! Woot! Woot! To be really honest, I haven't had much interactions with kids over the summer as most of our friends have babies or toddlers. So I felt rusty. Right before parents would come skipping (ha) into my room, I was NERVOUS. I was like, "How do I act, what should I say?" Blank. That is what I went. Scared. That is how I felt. And I was suppose to put these kids to ease? Not gonna happen!

Then that door opened and I saw that nervous, scared face and CLICK! It all came back. "I can totally do this!" I told myself. I smoothly walked over greeting my new student, shook hands, introduced my self to the family and said something witty (who knows what it was) everybody laughed, smiled and relaxed and I guided them to the sign in station, while asking my new student if they would like to meet my special class pet. This is how it went all morning. I also do this thing where I try to guess each students name as they come is like my super power. I am not joking. I look at my roster and see who they look like. Totally fun way to start the day. It never fails to see the look of surprise on everyone's face when I guess right and compliment the parents on naming their kid correctly.

Here where some interesting things that were said to me at MtheT:

1. Hey Mrs. Forsyth, look at my muscles...(takes shirt off) now feel my back muscles!

2. Ummm. Rusty pooped. That is so gross. He is adorable.

3. I left you a pencil, sharpened under Rusty's cage for you Mrs. Forsyth

4. I like to pretend fight a lot. That is why my muscles are so big.

Some previous years quotes:

1. My name is Timothy and I like dirt bikes do you?

2. I am part wolf. I was raised by them when I was a baby and then my parents found me when I was two.

3. I don't like school but mom says that's ok because I am pretty.

4. My mom said my dad is Sting.

Seriously. I couldn't make these up.

Monday is the big day and I already feel good about the year!

So what about you? What was your favorite Meet the Teacher quote?


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